Private support is playing a larger and more critical role in our mission to deliver high quality learning. With the rising costs of education and research, the department needs your support to help it achieve its mission of creating an environment conducive for learning and to support underprivileged students. Your involvement can help students experience learning at its best, and aid educators and researchers grow to their fullest potential.

The department is committed to recruiting and retaining the best faculty and students possible, as well as enhancing our research and teaching goals. Whether it is something you are thinking of now, or as a part of your advocacy, please know that we welcome support in the form of scholarship, professorial chair, and endowment to further develop our facilities and infrastructures .

For interested donors, we would be grateful to accept your gift to enhance our teaching, research and laboratory facilities. Through your gifts, DMPCS graduates can make an impact that benefits our communities in the Philippines, specially in Mindanao. Your gifts will be used to continue the cycle of excellence for the next generation of students, educators and researchers in this department.

We are very grateful for the generous support of our alumni and friends and would like to express our gratitude to those who have supported the educational and research mission of the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science in the past. It is for possibilities such as these that private support makes a real difference, potentially guiding the department in exciting new directions.

Our current and future students are indebted to you!